What's the Plugin About?

This plugin offers four main features: headcount tracking, bulk retrospective attendance adding, upgraded badges, and additional reporting.

Headcount Tracking

Rock provides a solid attendance system that allows you to match individuals to a group's occurance but there is no particularly easy way of storing the headcount for a service or an event. Although Rock has metrics, which seem ideally suited to this task, at present there's no easy way using the out of the box Rock blocks to do so in the case where you have multiple services per day. Nor does Rock out of the box offer a way of matching up the headcount of an event. This plugin leverages Rock's metric features to ensure forward compatibility and to take advantage of the reporting tools Rock already provide but also provides a way of reliably matching events to the metric. The plugin also contains a block that allows you to the gain a picture of the overall attendance for a week broken down by check-in area.

Note:There's a lot of room to grow here and it's possibe to do some statistatical analaysis on the results and graphing

Bulk Retrospective Attendance Adding

Rock offers the ability to add attendance after a group has concluded but it's hidden deep in the user interface and isn't ideal for adding a large volume of individuals. Our plugin allows you to quickly add large volumes through the use keyboard shortcuts and a single page. It also comes with built in protection from accidentally forgetting to save attendance.

The following shortcuts are available for quick entry:

  • Alt+Z adds the currently selected person
  • Alt+S saves the entered people
  • Alt+0..6 Adds the numbered person in the list

See How Quick It Is
All Done with Keyboard Shortcuts


One of Rock's strengths is it's reporting capabilities but it can be difficult to make dynamic queries that are easy to use by non-technical staff. This plugin offers three blocks to help analyse your attendance.

The first block simply finds people who attended within a given date range, the second finds people who attended a "regular event" with an inactive record status within a given date range, and the third displays the groups attended by an individual, as well the number of times they have attended, and the last time they attended within a given date range.

Upgraded Badges

Out of the box Rock offers two attendance badges. One that shows a family's attendance as a series of bars or as a fraction. Both of these work well if you want a snapshot of someone's overall activity but don't work well if you want a finer picture, for instance how many weeks have they volunteered out of the past month or what's the picture of their attendance to our midweek classes.

This plugin allows you to specify specific group types for the attendance graph and fraction to focus on the aspects of a person's attendance that matters most to you.



As mentioned previously headcounts are recorded as a part of Rock's metric database. To do this the plugin ties your check-in group heirachy to a metric heirachy that stores headcount which is populated once a day by a Rock Job.

Configuring the Rock Job

To populate your metric heirachy with your check-in group structure you need to run the Headcount Metric Sync Groups job once. You can find the job at Admin Tools > System Settings > Jobs Administration. By default the job is configured to run once a day at 2am but if you're only inputting headcounts in once a week (say after a weekend service) then feel free to the change the frequency.

Configuring the Headcount Metric

On install the plugin creates a category to store these metrics in but I recommended hiding this from your default Metric tree view to prevent users from accidentally adding metric values using the standard UI which would result in incomplete information. To do this go to Tools > Reporting > Metrics, press the Block Configuration button in the admin toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Hover over the Metrics Tree View block, select Set Category Options, and then select Headcount as an excluded category.


By default the plugin adds a series of pages to your menu and need very little configuration to get started with.

Attendance Input

The Attendance Input block allows you to retrospectively and rapidly add attendance to any check-in group that belongs to a specific check-in area. To setup the block all you need to do is specify which check-in area the block should allow attendance to be added to. Additionally, you can alter how many weeks back you are able to add attendance for.

Find Actives

The find actives block should work out of the box without any configuration.

Find Inactives

This block should work out of the box without any configuration but if you've added more connection statuses that indicate a person should be considered inactive you may wish to select those in the block settings.

Attended Groups

This block should again work out of the box without any configuration but you may wish to exclude check-in group types that you do not wish to appear in the results.

Attendance Overview

This block has no options and is included here for the sake of completeness.

Headcount Metric Values

This block has no options and is included here for the sake of completeness.


The source code for the Check-In Extensions is available here for use with the Rockit SDK
